Sketchpad LessonLink

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Sketchpad LessonLink

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This File menu command provides students with easy access to activity sketches from Sketchpad LessonLink™.

Sketchpad LessonLink is a service that enables teachers to easily assign Sketchpad activities to a class. The teacher chooses one or more activities for the class (from a library of more than 500 activities). Sketchpad LessonLink then creates a web page from which students can easily download the worksheets and sketches for those activities. The web page is identified by a ClassPass that students use to access it.

As an example, we've created a student web page that has several activities for a variety of age levels. (The ClassPass for this web page is ReferenceCtr.) To view this student web page, use this link:

Students can download the activity sketches from the student web page, but it's often more convenient for them to open them directly from within Sketchpad, with no need to use a browser to download them first. To open the sketch for any of the sample activities, follow these steps:

1.Start Sketchpad.

2.Choose File | Sketchpad LessonLink.

3.In the dialog box that appears, enter this ClassPass: ReferenceCtr

4.Choose from the list of sketch documents that appears.

The activity sketch appears in a new window.

Teachers: Collect and Organize Activities with Sketchpad LessonLink

Sketchpad LessonLink is an online, searchable subscription-based library of more than 500 Sketchpad activities, aligned to leading math textbooks and state standards for grades 3-12. Powerful search options make it easy for teachers to find the perfect demonstration or student activity to develop or reinforce concepts and skills. Pre-built sketches, teaching notes, student worksheets, and tips on using Sketchpad provide teachers with everything they need in one place.

With Sketchpad LessonLink teachers can organize the activities they want to use into folders and publish those folders for students. When a teacher publishes a folder, a ClassPass is assigned so students can use the Sketchpad LessonLink command to open the sketches. Alternatively, students can access a Student Web Page containing the activities, the worksheets, and relevant Sketchpad Tips.

Students: Use a ClassPass to Download and Use Sketchpad Activities

When a teacher publishes a Sketchpad LessonLink folder, it’s assigned a ClassPass that students can use to access the activities. There are two ways students can use the ClassPass:

Within Sketchpad, choose File | Sketchpad LessonLink, enter the ClassPass, and choose from a list of the sketch documents for all the activities on the student web page. The chosen sketch document opens immediately in Sketchpad.

From a web browser, go to the student web page. (For example, if the ClassPass is ReferenceCtr, the web page is From this web page students can see a short description of each activity, read any teacher comments entered for the activity, download the sketch, download the student worksheet, and view Sketchpad Tips that are relevant for the activity.

For more detailed information on Sketchpad LessonLink, go to